Like every moon child

As a kid, sitting in the car
I foolishly thought you were following
everywhere I go, everywhere I see
you were there for me

I grew up as a teen
walking in the road at night
felt like a innocent bliss
those days when I cried
seeing you through the window

shimmering and making my eyes shine
you were there for me

gracefully dancing in the daylight
shared my merriness with the sun
like every sunflowers did but
at the end of each day
showed my dark side with you
like a wild wolf too
replying with the echo and sometimes silence
you were there for me

standing in the balcony
alone with those reckless thoughts
I’m seeing you again
will anyone look at you like I do?
yes, I whispered the answer to myself
might be a similar soul
gazing at you to find peace
from this chaotic life that we thrive in
with that I looked down and smiled
standing and sharing the solitude  
you were there with me.

sometimes you disappear
leaving me left in the blue
but I determinedly waited
behind those pitched black
or unstable clouds
I know
you would be there for me

Now people call me good and mature
yet unspoken to many
I keep writing to my diary underneath your light and guide
as if you are sitting right beside

and listening to my stories

like how you’ll always be there with me.

Song that reminds me of the night sky and life- Lost stars by Adam Levine ✨

(cover of this song by Jungkook is even more divine to hear 💜)

So let’s get drunk on our tears and
God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It’s hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

-Lost Stars by Adam Levine

Do you like watching the moon, what are your thoughts while looking at it!? Tell me in the comments below.

Signing off for today. Thank you for reading!! ✨

62 thoughts on “Like every moon child

  1. The moon, especially the full one always fills me with potential and risk or leaps of faith. And I hate it when I do neither of those at the full moon

    Liked by 3 people

  2. You just made me remember that, I too – like you, thought the moon was following me everywhere. Now, as I remember this, I realise that she is..she is following us, maybe not in the way I thought as a child, but she is there for us. 🌝 I didn’t know about Adam Levine’s song, but the lyrics you quoted, especially this part – “God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young”, make me want to see and hear the song.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful words. She has been there for, near and with us all the time!! Oh yes, the lyrics of that song is absolutely pure and beautiful to hear. I’m sure you’ll love it like I do! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. First I thought it was about RM(I bet all the ARMY’S who saw this thought so 😀)
    But then, I thought it was about Jin! I then realised it was about the moon😂
    But then suddenly, I saw JK’s name🎉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. OMG you had me laughing on the floor 😂😂
      The title was definitely inspired by RM and Jk’s name has to come in between because of his sweet Devine voice and yes, how can I forget jin while thinking of it!? 😂💜

      Liked by 1 person

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